'The rock strategically tossed into the pond is the dynamic intervention I provide. The ripples are the positive influences that radiate out'
Sue Gravells
Sue Gravells B.Ed.Hons. EMCC Accredited Senior Coach and Coach Supervisor, Company Director, Walk-Lover & Challenge-Seeker
I facilitate unique and dynamic interventions from remote locations in the great outdoors to inner city office blocks and café-zones around the world. I thrive whilst working with others, building ever-stronger connections within teams, departments, across cultures and evolving optimal performance through constant change.
We're all doing our best: No-one said it would be easy, but working alongside each other and being solutions-focussed means one thing - it can only get better. I facilitate intentional, challenging and rewarding outcomes where building mutual engagement is high on the agenda.
I partner with my clients to aim high, dig deep and follow through on being authentic whilst attending to their priorities and aspirations. I am highly skilled in facilitating experiential learning, action-learning in group and team settings and I help develop these skills in others as we work together.
I am highly motivated by collaborative problem solving and creating shifts at the edge of what is possible together. I share my experience to partner with heads of businesses, their senior leaders, teams and individuals. I embrace learning opportunities and the challenges of change with curiosity, positivity and high emotional intelligence.
Feedback that means the most to me:
"I'm done/We're done - thanks for what you've helped us achieve"
"We want more, things have changed. When can you come back to work with us?"